Friday, 21 October 2011


Oh yes ladies and gentleman there is something for everyone at the Dieppe Roller Derby! Right now our league is focusing on developing our women's teams but yes men do play roller derby too! Right now we have 4 men plus our coach and they are training with us, learning the game and will be refs and maybe even coaches as we grow.  But what is in the works is just as exciting to watch unfold as our women team is our men's team.  Like Hits n' Sass, Camokaze Killers is slowing becoming its own too.  We have watched these guys grow as we have, they have learned to skate, earned those ninja bruises and of course get the crap kicked out of them by a bunch of girls....LOL So for my male readers if your interested in becoming a part of this unique squad send an email to! Plus us the girls don't mind another guy around to smack on the butt when you do a great job....hummm I mean give you a pat on the back...LOL

Our guys are great! And when I say great I mean fantastic! They are such good sports and even let us get away with dressing them in Tutu's and high heels only on very special occasions...LOL  They show up and help at all of our fundraisers and even volunteer to help wonderful causes like "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" a fundraiser supporting against Domestic Violence a group that is very near and dear to our hearts as we the Dieppe Roller Derby works very close with Crossroads for Women. Roller derby is about empowering women and what better way to give back to our community!

Let me introduce you to the boys ...:)

"Shreddy Crocker"

Hasn't picked a derby name yet so we will
call him "Hasn't Picked a Derby Name Yet"


"Quad of War"

1 comment:

  1. KarmazGunnaGitcha25 October 2011 at 17:55

    Great write up Missy :) YAY! to the boys. And common new boys and join up, who doenst wanna hang out with a bunch of hot girls in booty shorts right?? LOL
